Welcome to Shift Rescue
We strive to teach tactics that will help you preform the rescue, no matter where you are in your career
We strive to teach tactics that will help you preform the rescue, no matter where you are in your career
Shift Rescue is an "?" based out of Maryland with instructors from all over the country. Although we all come from different fire departments, we all share the common goal. To make our shift, the best shift out there. Thats how Shift Rescue got started. We share the dedication and devotion to teach and train firefighters across the county that will help them earn the title of having the best trained shift.
Our center is here for you. We work hard to be a resource for stations and shifts across the country. If you are interested in having our Cadre come out to your location, send us a message!
We are always looking for motivated, skilled firefighters who have a desire to teach. If you want to get involved send us a message on the "contact us" page.
We couldn't accomplish our goals without the dedicated firefighters always looking to improve their craft. I would also like to thank our instructors that have taken time away from their family and loved ones to help teach and train the guys/gals that are going out there and #DoinIT
Founder of Shift Rescue. Zeck started his experience with the fire department in 2011 as a cadet with the City of Huron Fire Department located in northern Ohio. In 2014 he moved to Maryland to be a live-in at the Hyattsville Volunteer Fire Department. At the time he was living at Hyattsville, they operated with Truck 801, Squad 801, and
Founder of Shift Rescue. Zeck started his experience with the fire department in 2011 as a cadet with the City of Huron Fire Department located in northern Ohio. In 2014 he moved to Maryland to be a live-in at the Hyattsville Volunteer Fire Department. At the time he was living at Hyattsville, they operated with Truck 801, Squad 801, and Engine 801. From here he began to take every class he could find. In 2019 he was hired in Loudoun County VA. Spent a brief amount of time on Medic 613 before being reassigned to Engine 605/ Rescue Squad 613. Before he left the county he finished his time assigned to Truck 611 in Sterling Park. Zeck was hired in Prince George's County in 2019. He was assigned to Engine 826 and Truck 826. Currently he is assigned to TR Rescue Squad 806 / Engine 806. He holds the Technician level certifications for all of the TR courses: Confined Space, Rope, Swiftwater, Trench, and FEMA Structural Collapse. He is a MICRB Fire and Rescue instructor and a Level II Proboard Instructor. Along with the fire department, he is also working as a lead developer for the University of Maryland, Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute. He is working with a team focused on updating the State curriculum in regards to the Rescue Series classes.
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